Hello from Sunny South Africa!

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South African Flag in Shape of a Heart.
A Heart Mural on a Wall in Johannesburg, South Africa

A Heart Mural on a Wall in Johannesburg, South Africa

I arrived to Johannesburg Thursday evening after a 26-hour journey from door to door. In spite of being a long day, all went well and I even got a few hours of sleep on the plane.

I actually slept through the first night and hit the door running the next day. My friend, Margie, took me into the city of Joburg ( what the locals refer to Johannesburg as) and we did a city sightseeing bus tour.

Margie and I on the Johannesburg sightseeing tour

Margie and I on the Johannesburg sightseeing tour

The highlight, besides just seeing the local city activity, was going to the Apartheid Museum. It was amazing to get a better understanding of what this country has experience over and years and Nelson Mandela’s influence.

I have met so many wonderful friends and family of Margie’s and just need to keep the names straight now! The South Africans are extremely friendly, social and like their “Braai” which is a South African term for a barbecue consisting of mostly meat. They were quite shocked that I don’t eat meat but quite happy with the salads I provided! I have been nicknamed “Veggie”.

Paul cooking up a Braai for lunch

Paul cooking up a Braai for lunch

We are headed into the bush tomorrow to a place called Mabula where we will go on game drives to see animals in the wild. I am more then excited! I hope to have some good photos to share when I return.

I have found one thing I am not too fond of….the mosquitos!


  1. Alice Lewis on December 25, 2015 at 10:39 AM said:

    Another exciting adventure for you!! You look great as usual- actually younger. Happiness does that for a person. Can’t wait to hear more from you.

  2. Hi Veggie, Gosh, those S. Africans! even the mosquitoes are sorta meat eaters. So good that you have a compatible and expert guide!

  3. Antoinette, happy adventures! Ultreya!

  4. Happy trails to you!

  5. Joyce Glorso on December 11, 2015 at 8:04 AM said:

    I envy your thirst for adventure! Take care!

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