Nyepi Day in Bali is a New Year celebration unlike anywhere else on the planet. It’s ultimately the quietest day of the year, when all of the island’s inhabitants abide by a set of local rules; no lights, no fire (so no cooking or smoking!), no activity and limited talking. There is also NO internet! Everything literally closes down including the airport and cars and motorbikes remain parked.
The day and night before, leading up to Nyepi, there are Hindu ceremonies and celebrations for the upcoming New Year. Each village creates an “Ogoh-ogoh”
These are amazingly creative, detailed and downright scary effigies said to ward off demons and dark forces. They parade through each village and in Ubud there are a number of these creatures as well as dancers, music and men dressed up as Ogoh-ogohs. It was a sight to see and fun to take part in.
The day of Nyepi was absolutely magical! For me, something amazing happens when I not only quiet my body and mind but also when the world, which is normally quite busy and chaotic, is silent. I noticed things; the orchestra of the different animals and birds, the brilliant colors of the lotus flowers, and the smallest details of nature. I watched as a squirrel did acrobatics from one coconut palm frond to the next. I also marveled at the birds diving down to the ground to gather up bit and pieces for their nests.
What I truly love was total rest! I napped, swam, read, wrote and napped some more. I also realized how much my body needed it after the past months of preparing for this journey. Not only was it good for my body and soul but wonderful for the environment to have a day off. Wouldn’t it be great if everywhere in the world would take a day off once a year?
Nyepi sounds like wonderful tradition to get to experience! I definitively think the planet could benefit greatly from a world wide holiday like that. Happy travels! XOXO
Hi Antoinette! Sounds like the beginning week of your journey has been wonderful! Yes, the world needs a big day of Nyepi! Fun to read about it & share in your experiences —
How enlightening that would be to be silent here in this country! Send my love to Christine. Safe travels!
Yehhhhh one day a month like that should be in our calendar and a must ! But can I talk lol 😂!!??Love ur words and I can wait to read more 🙏💕
Perfect timing…It takes a good reason to slow you down that much. Sounds like a delightful day!!!
Antoinette, sounds like you are off to a perfect start. So happy for you.
Thanks for sharing this Antoinette!! Love hearing about your adventures and your experience of the the day of silence. Yes it would be wonderful to have that experience a day off a year.