Winter is coming…….and I’m not taking about Game of Thrones either, rather Hokkaido, Japan! Oh, but first let’s not forget about summer and autumn.
It has been awhile since I’ve lived in a place with definite seasons and it amazes me how fast the seasons change. I arrived in the summer for the 2-3 weeks of hot weather that Hokkaido gets. Before I knew it, I was witnessing the changing colors and it was spectacular! Photos do not do it justice but I will include some for your viewing pleasure.
In late summer, I hiked Mount Yotei which is the active volcano (don’t worry, it hasn’t erupted since 3550 BC) that looms everywhere you look in Kutchan and Niseko. Mount Yotei is one of Japans’ famous as well as favorite hikes, and is frequently compared to Mt Fuji for its shape and beauty.
I chose the Makkari trail since it is said to be the easiest of three trails. The assent involves an elevation gain of 5,216 feet (1590 m) over the distance of 6.5 km (13 km round trip/9 miles). The elevation of Mount Yotei is 6161 feet (1878 meters ). The hike consists of 10 stages and it seemed to get steeper with each stage. Unfortunately the day I went was cloudy with some rain, therefore the trail got very muddy, especially on the way down. Near the top, there was no visibility and the winds were very strong so I didn’t hike the top of the crater. Still, I made it and was happy to have accomplished it. Needless to say, it kicked my butt and took 5-6 days to recover!
Experiencing the changes from summer to autumn, I was reminded of how fast time goes and to appreciate the changes of each moment of this journey. In an article I read, ‘Autumn in Japan’, I related to this this quote;
“…..perhaps, between its falling leaves and fading light, it is not a movement toward gain or loss but an invitation to attentive stillness and absolute presence, reminding us to cherish the beauty of life not despite its perishability but precisely because of it; because the impermanence of things”
Back to winter….yes, it is coming! I’m as prepared as I can be; winter jacket, snow boots, snow tires and layers….check! If I had a dollar for every person who has asked me, “Do you realize how much it snows here?” I’d be rich….well, at least have enough for a 6-pack of Sapporo beer.
Everyday I wake up to the spectacular view of Mount Yotei and slowly the snow is creeping down that 6161 foot volcano. So…..ready or not, here it comes!
Much love,
Happy Thanksgiving weekend Antoinette! The autumn color in your area looks spectacular — your photos are lovely —
The hike sounds intense & a great ‘Camino conditioner’ if you decide to go! Rain here in San Diego — snow up in the mountains — not as much as what’s coming down your mountain, though — should be beautiful once it arrives!
Stay warm & keep enjoying the seasons, Amanda
Hi Antoinette,
Good to hear from you! And see all the sites you are experiencing. The hot springs look amazing!
I still see Penny, although she and Buck are on vacation right now.
Enjoy the rest of fall and winter in Japan – Happy Holidays!!
Thanks for being in touch,
Hi Antoinette – I’ve been thinking of you and talking with Mary – both of us wondering lately what you’ve been up to. Seems like a lot! I”m glad you’re so busy you haven’t had time to write, It looks beautiful – what a great adventure you’re having. How is the job itself? How is the Japanese work culture different from the US?
Hi Lynn,
Life is pretty simple up here in Hokkaido and we are getting ready for the winter. I just had a very quick trip to Kyoto and met up with my Aunt, Sara, and two of her friends. I loved getting a bit of culture and a taste of other parts of Japan. I’ll be excited to explore more of Japan next spring. Deb is planning to come join me for about two weeks to see more of what Japan has to offer. I hope all is well in Ithaca! Love, Antoinette
Nice to hear from you, Antoinette. A friend I met on the Camino just finished doing the 88 Temple pilgrimage in Shikoku. The weather was very hot for most of it (although he was reporting in celcius, so I couldn’t effectively translate. Just know it was hot, with cyclones!) Seems like he loved it, though. How’s your Japanese coming? Hope this new phase of your journey is bringing you adventure and joy. Much love, DJ
Hi DJ, So good to hear from you. I was reading a little about the 88 Temple pilgrimage and considering doing it after my year contract with my job. It’s that or go back to Spain and do another Camino….but hey, I’m already here so why not!? To answer your question about my Japanese, it is very slow in coming!
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope all is going well for you.
Love those pics, Antoinette! Brrrrr!!! Keep ’em coming!
Wonderful photos as usual! I marvel at the shape you are in- even if it did take 5 or 6 days of recovery time. I think I would have had to be buried half way up the mountain!!
Thanks for your great journal.
Keep warm and safe.
Much love,
You have always been an inspiration for me! So good to hear from you and hope you are doing well.
What an adventure Antoinette! Mt. Yotei looked like quite the challenge ⛰ and the photos are lovely.
Deva, You would lOVE it. I would like to do it one more time….in late spring or next summer to hopefully have better weather. Come join me!
I hope life is treating you well.
Seasons may change, though my love and appreciation for you is a constant you can count on. Thank you for your joyous update. Enjoy the beautiful snow.
Thank you…for your beautiful sentiment and for the wonderful person and friend you are! I was thinking about how much you love skiing and think you would love it here. I hope life is treating you well. Would love to catch up sometime via facetime or Whatsapp. Let me know.