Archive for March, 2014

Nut Milk

Nut Milk Rating: 51 Servings: 4 cups Ingredients 1 cup raw, un-pasteurized (if available) almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts or *cashews 4 cups filtered water 1 teaspoon vanilla bean powder or alcohol free vanilla extract 1-2 dates *cashews only need to soak a couple of hours InstructionsSoak nuts for 4-8 hours Blend almonds and water in blender

Green Lemonade Smoothie

Green Lemonade Smoothie Rating: 51 Servings: 2-3 Drinking blended greens is a great way to include healthy, raw greens into your diet. If you don’t have a heavy-duty blender, remove the tough stems from greens and chop the vegetables into 1-2 inch pieces. Experiment with different combinations for variety of nutrients and taste. Ingredients 1