Archive for 2014

Camino de Santiago sign

Naming of the Staff

Day five: Cirauqui To Villamayor de Monjardin 24 km This was the first day we had rain while walking. It only rained for the first few hours. At least I put my rain gear to good use! It was lovely and cool and made for an easier day of walking. Eighty percent of the Pilgrims

"Where the Route of the Wind Meets the Stars"

Reflections and Observations

Day three: Larrasoaña-Cizur Menor 21 km Today was a shorter day but somehow felt long. My energy was a little low and the city of Pamplona felt way too chaotic after the small quaint villages that we stayed in and passed through. Even the Qigong we did in the park didn’t pick up my energy.

View in the Pyrenees

What Goes Up Must Come Down…Eventually!

Day one: Saint Jean to Roncesvalles 25 km At least one hopes it goes down! The climb was relentless but the view and the magnificent day made up for it. We walked approximately a seven hour day and hiked about fifteen miles in total. The wind was out in full force but luckily the weather

View of the river in Saint Jean Pied-de-Port

Travel Day

After twenty-eight hours of travel and only a few hours of sleep, I barely knew my name. My friend, Christine, flew into Madrid from Germany and we met there continuing on to Pamplona and then by bus to Saint Jean-Pied-De-Port, France. We arrived at the albergue “Beilari” (also called refuge or hostel) in time for

View from Trail Crest on the way to Mount Whitney

Woozy on Whitney

Hiking Mount Whitney “Slow and steady wins the race”… while this was not a race, this was my mantra two days ago as I was about half way up the 99 switchbacks climbing up the the highest peak in the contiguous United States. I felt as though I would never make it to the top,

Taco Tuesday Vegan Style

Taco Tuesday Vegan Style

“Taco Tuesday?”  In 1989, a Mexican food chain Taco John’s trademarked the phrase. In the past few years, that phrase has become a marketing phenom! Do you have a Taco Tuesday tradition? Last week I did ”Taco Tuesday” vegan style and loved the results. I started with a versatile Harrisa green sauce. Yummy! I made

Vegan Sour Cream

Vegan Sour Cream Prep Time: 5 minutes Servings: 3/4 cup Ingredients1 cup raw cashews, soaked 1/2-3/4 cup water, as needed 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar 1/4-1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea salt, to tasteInstructionsPlace cashews in a bowl and cover with water. Soak for a minimum of 2 hours, preferably overnight