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Getting a fresh start in spring with Kaleidoscope Wellness

Spring Renewal

Last week I went to Joshua Tree National Park for the first time. It is a fascinating place; filled with weathered rocks that take on shapes, spiky Joshua trees, and colorful desert flowers that spring up this time of year. As I hiked through the desert, I was amazed at the variety of flowers that

Nut Milk

Nut Milk Rating: 51 Servings: 4 cups Ingredients 1 cup raw, un-pasteurized (if available) almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts or *cashews 4 cups filtered water 1 teaspoon vanilla bean powder or alcohol free vanilla extract 1-2 dates *cashews only need to soak a couple of hours InstructionsSoak nuts for 4-8 hours Blend almonds and water in blender

Green Lemonade Smoothie

Green Lemonade Smoothie Rating: 51 Servings: 2-3 Drinking blended greens is a great way to include healthy, raw greens into your diet. If you don’t have a heavy-duty blender, remove the tough stems from greens and chop the vegetables into 1-2 inch pieces. Experiment with different combinations for variety of nutrients and taste. Ingredients 1

Mecca Azteca Salad with Shrimp

Mecca Azteca Salad

Mecca Azteca Salad Rating: 51 Servings: Serves 4Calories per serving: lowFat per serving: low IngredientsSalad: 1 cup shopped tomato 1 cup chopped jicama 1 cup chopped avocado 1/2 cup chopped red onion 2 Tbsp lemon juice 1/2 tsp sea salt 1 cup peeled & chopped cucumber 2 cups mixed salad greens 4 cups cooked quinoa,

Garlic Bread – Raw

This is a dehydrated raw bread. Top with cheese, hummus, use to make a veggie sandwich or serve along with traditional Italian fare. Healthy Raw & Dehydrated Garlic Bread Rating: 41 Prep Time: 45 minutesCook Time: 10 hours Servings: 6 servings Ingredients2 cups ground flax seed 1/2 cup filtered water 1 onion, chopped 1 zucchini,