The saying: “Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You” was misattributed to Eleanor Roosevelt and what she actually said was:
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face”
In all honesty, I took it for granted that my previous travel experience would make this easy…okay, not easy, but less challenging than it actually has been. Having a mantra like this one, has helped me push through barriers that I hadn’t realized would appear.
When I first arrived, I was really nervous about driving on the opposite side of the road. It took a lot of focus and concentration at the beginning. Today, I ventured out looking for a trailhead to hike up to the Annupuri Range and got totally turned around. I turned onto a side street to go in the opposite direction, and went down the wrong way! Luckily, it was fairly deserted but ONE car came down my way and I realized what I had done. I laughed at myself. No harm done!
I nearly gave up my search for the trailhead but I finally found it. One the way, there were numerous signs (in Japanese) with clear warnings about bears. I had heard that you should wear ‘bear bells’ when hiking in this area. I began to doubt this upcoming adventure and almost talked myself out of it. This mantra “Do one thing every day that scares you” came to mind, so out I went and started heading up the trail. Sure enough, there were people coming down with bear bells. So, I begin chanting “jingle, jingle” and again had a good laugh at myself!
While the hike was not too long, it had some really steep parts and my mind went to “why didn’t you bring your poles?”. As I climbed into the clouds, it got colder and I questioned whether I had enough clothes with me. Still, up and up I went and was rewarded with some fabulous view. I met up with a few other people, all Japanese, and I just smiled and said “Konnichiwa” One the way down, to my big surprise was a women hiking with her cat! I did stop and chat with her (alas….some people do speak a bit of English) and apparently this was the first hike with her cat. I’m sure it wasn’t the first time on the leash though. In my head, I was thinking “what about the bears!”
I did not see a single bear but I will get my “bear bells” before my next hike!
Yesterday, was another eventful day. There was, yet another, festival in Hirafu. It was a beautiful day and I headed out to take in the festivities for a few hours. I’m not a shy person by nature but when you’re uncertain whether someone speaks your language, it’s a bit intimidating and scary. Yes, I know…..I’m slowly working on my Japanese but it takes time like everything else. What I’ve also come to realize is there really are a lot of westerners here and this festival was a nice mix of people. The menus were also in both English and Japanese! I met a few new people and chatting with some of the vendors. I experienced my first “G & T” with Japanese-made gin. It was very good and strong!
So after a month of living in Japan, I have to say that it is getting easier. I look forward to each day of learning, meeting new people and seeing how much further I progress.
There are still a lot of things that scare me………the upcoming winter and all the snow that EVERYONE talks about. Going to the supermarket is less scary and easier but still intimidating.
As I face fears, big and small, real or imagined, I grow stronger, more courageous and confident. Most importantly, I remind myself to always keep in sense of humor.
Wonderful as always reading your adventures.. keep embracing those new experiences.
My backpack is packed and ready for my departure on Monday for Portugal. Was thinking about the morning Camino song.. please can (you or Christine) send me the words if you remember them!!
Stay well and safe.
Hi Margie,
How exciting for you!! I will check Facebook but also let me know how it goes please!
I think I have a video of us singing the song. I will see if I can find it and send it to you through messenger. Buen Camino my friend!