There is something that happens to me when traveling; as much I may love the experience, I always feel ready to go home about two days out. This time is no exception.
While there is a longing for life as I knew before the Camino (and my own bed), I am also savoring each and every moment because that is what I have right now. The past few days have been some of my favorites times. It is the Camino I had longed for and I got my wish. I have walked many miles not seeing a single soul and have had time to ponder and just time to BE. I have loved the solitude during the days and then the evenings to share a meal with fellow pilgrims and stories of life on and off the Camimo.
The terrain from Santiago is spacious, green and varied. I walked hills, through farm land and villages. It took three days of walking to get to Muxia where I got my first glimpse of the sea. It was glorious to see! It certainly helped that the weather was perfectly clear with a crispness in the air feeling of fall.
In Muxia, the ragged Atlantic coastline reminded me of Northern California. The sea was crashing onto the rocks and the sunset was absolutely mesmerizing. I had my last “Pilgrims Meal” with some friends. The owner who apparently was also the waiter, cook and entertainer, served us some local fish, a special desert and played the accordion. It was a memorable night.The last section of the Camino from Muxia to Finisterre is a wonderful walk along the coastline and then through forests, villages then dropping into another section of beautiful coastline. Finisterre is a bit more busy and touristic but has some of the best beaches filled with thousands of scallop shells which are the symbol of the Camino. I also had some of my favorite seafood in Finisterre. I tried razor clams which where delicious and had the best octopus (pulpo) of the trip.
Finisterre was the finality of my journey. Tradition tells that you walk to “the end of the world” and pilgrims burn items of clothing as a sign of purification and inward revival. I did burn some clothing and had some quiet reflective time as I watched the sunset marking the end of a day and an incredible journey.
I’m so glad that it has been such a wonderful experience for you. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Jen xx