How many times have you “resolved” to do something positive and different for the New Year only to peter out by mid-February (okay, don’t tell me I’m the only one!) and there go your resolutions…out the window.
I now think of and set “intentions” instead of “resolutions” This seems to me to be a more realistic way to achieve my goals. Intentions can be stepping stones or tools toward the bigger picture and ultimate goal. It’s also a way of becoming more conscious about permanent habits you wish to create. These can be an array of goals such as eating better, exercising more, or being more productive.
I like the process of setting smaller attainable goals to reach the desired outcome. Since I can tend to get overwhelmed with all the details of the bigger picture, succeeding in completing smaller chunks helps me to feel positive about my path.
This year I am borrowing from Leo Babautas’ blog; Zen Habits and his post “A Year of Living Without”. His blog is a favorite of mine! I’m designating my year as “A Year of Positive Habits” where each month I will focus on creating a positive habit or eliminating a bad one.
To begin the year, instead of doing my usual 3 week cleanse after indulging a bit on the Camino and during the holidays, I will take one food at a time. My ultimate goal is to see how different “trigger” foods like sugar, gluten, dairy, soy affect me. These are foods that tend to create allergic reactions in many people. By taking out one thing at a time I can create a healthy habit of moderation or elimination. This will help me to have a clearer understanding of what works best for my body in order to attain balance and find the best eating style for me.
January is SUGAR…a huge trigger for me. What this means for me is no refined sugars like white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners of any kind. I am also staying away from the more “natural” sugars such as agave, honey, maple syrup, molasses and my favorites-coconut sugar and nectar. So no desserts, muffins, ice cream, alcohol or CHOCOLATE. I do love my dark chocolate!
I’m happy to report that I have so far succeeded in my goal AND I feel great! I no longer have the cravings for sugar and I am more focused, have tons of energy, and am sleeping a solid 7-8 hours a night.
Last year I needed help in focusing on my career goals and started working with an amazing Life Coach, Chess Edwards. He has helped me to clarify my purpose, maintain balance as well as integrating tools to live fully. I’ve implemented these into my own life and my health and wellness coaching to help others to create vitality, energy and transformation.
What are your intentions for 2015? I would love to hear what they are so please share here or contact me directly to talk more.
I gave up refined sugar a year ago after struggling with my addictive trait – I’m unable to have one chocolate or one biscuit (cookie) I have to finish the box…..so for me sadly, moderation is not an option. Anyway, my New Years resolution is based on a gesture of friendship – to call by friends unannounced! Sounds simple maybe but here in England we are rather reserved and full of courtesy, preferring to give notice of a visit. But that stifles spontaneity – I’ve only actually carried this out once so far and they were not at home…..but I’m going to pursue this…..it adds sparkle 🙂 x
It’s good that you know that and have figured out moderation isn’t an option and no doubt better off for it. I like your intension as I do think that we have gotten away from spontaneity and are all way to scheduled. Besides sparkle is good!
Hi girl, I love intentions. I have been working with them for years, often keeping the same ones to carry through into the next year. I love your food experiments. One thing at a time versus cutting yourself off. Way to go. Have a great February, isn’t your birthday in February, or is that just me?
Wendi B.
Hi Wendi, Great to here form you and that intentions work for you too. My birthday is in September…I do hope you have a great birthday!
I love the idea of taking your intentions one step at a time. It allows us to realistically achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Thanks for sharing this great idea!