When I arrived to Japan nearly 7 months ago, I was both excited and nervous about this year-long adventure I signed up for. The first couple months were extremely challenging in many ways but I was determined to do this! I have made it through the winter unscathed. This experience thus far has certainly not been without challenges and the feeling of loneliness and isolation being the hardest. It has also held many positives experiences, connections and lessons. Throughout my time here, and especially the winter months, I have learned to embrace my ‘aloneness’. I have created healthy habits such as a daily stretching/yoga practice, regular meditation, and journaling. I’ve taken my passion for cooking and learned to prepare plant-based Japanese dishes. Given the fact that I don’t have an oven, I also started creating no-bake vegan desserts and sharing those. First to friends and coworkers and now have a local delivery service of my Plant-Based Delights. I have become stronger and more resilient when life has dealt me uncomfortable situations. I have come to trust more in what I believe. I also reflect more on what is truly important to me such as family and friends, health and community.
So now, in this world-wide crisis we are facing, we are all in this together. I know most of us are feeling the fear, loneliness and uncertainly. We are NOT alone; even in isolation and social distancing, we have each other….near and far.
None of us know how this will turn out or how it will impact our future. Personally, I have to TRUST; trust that we WILL we get through this, that we will LEARN valuable lessons and ultimately be stronger…. together as a collective. I choose to look at the positives (although easier said than done at times!) that could possibly come from this. Already the environment is seeing the changes from less abuse to the planet. While we are isolated in our communities and homes, we are reaching out more to one another for comfort and support.
Yes, this is tragic; people are sick and dying, so many are forced out of work, and the economy is seriously suffering. My heart hurts for us ALL and I feel that uncertainly and fear. That said, I still choose to trust and learn from this.
My hope for everyone is that we all take this forced ‘aloneness’ and do something positive with it. Do something that has been on the list of ‘To Do’s’ but never have the time to do them. Cook more, get out and walk, start a stretching routine and read those books that have been ‘waiting’ to be read. Reach out and connect to the people you care and think about but never seem to have the time. Call them or at least email/text and tell them you are thinking about them. These little things mean so much right now.
From my little corner of the world to all of yours….I wish you good health, peace, trust and much love,
Here is a little slide show of a bit of my life in Hokkaido. Enjoy!
Hi Antoinette, glad you’re doing well! Sounds like you’ve been keeping busy & using this isolation time for reflection & assessment — Enjoyed seeing your photos — wish I could have a piece of your cheesecake 🙂 — the local chicken with the mask brings a smile!
Take care & stay well!
Hi Amanda,
Thanks for the reply and it’s always good to hear from you. I’m sure, like us all, you’re having challenges with this pandemic we’re in. I do hope you are safe and finding ways to use your time positively. Let’s catch up more via email sometime soon!
Stay happy and healthy!
PS Your dessert looked amazing!!!
I, too, am not surprised that you are handling the present situation with calm, resourcefulness and kindness.
Happy that you have all the daily necessities (yoga included) and are doing well and keeping positive.
Since I can’t go to the gym I’m trying to discipline myself to working out at home. I’m afraid I’m not as disciplined as you!
Stay well. I’ll be thinking of you as always.
Much love, Alice
Hi Alice,
I think now is the time to be gentle with ourselves and just do the best we can. Here, there are less restrictions plus it is a VERY small community with social distancing a norm. Since the tourist and most of the seasonal workers have fled home, it is somewhat of a ghost town…at least in the ski area. I am able to do most things like work (in a very small office with a handful of other coworkers), go to the grocery store etc. There is hand sanitizers at every entry to stores and masks are a common sight. Spring is here and the weather is warming up so I’m getting out some mornings to do a short run. I feel extremely fortunate! Everyday, I set an intention or a phrase for my day. Today is ‘Be Present’
I love hearing from you so thank you and take good care! Love,
Hi Antoinette. You seem to be making the best of a difficult situation. Why am I not surprised. You always go with the flow. You are not alone, as you are in my heart and think of you often. I am still working, masks, and gloves not a great look but necessary for me. Take care and stay safe. Hope to see you soon whenthis is all over. Love Larry
Hi Larry, Thank you for the reply and always appreciate hearing from you! I’m also glad to hear that your doing okay and of course protecting yourself. I think of you often as well and hope to see you in the not too distant future. Love,
HI Antoinettte – So glad you’re doing well. Mary and I were talking on the phone the other day and wondering how things were with you in Japan with this virus. NY has been very hard hit, but mostly in NYC and other metropolitan areas. Here in Ithaca we are more rural and it isn’t as bad (though we are still working from home, most stores are closed, and we are social-distancing).
Stay positive and well – love reading your blog and seeing the pictures.
Hi Lynn, I’m glad you are doing well too and still be able to work from home. Being low-key seems to be the way things are and perhaps for awhile. Since I am very rural as well, it’s not as apparent here and Japan already practices social distancing! All I know is that I still have a job for another 4 months, a roof over my head and food on the table so I’m extremely grateful. I’m also grateful for friend, like you, from afar and being able to stay in touch. Thank you and take care and we will stay positive….together! Antoinette
Lovely hearing from you. Cheers…Lesley Commette
Just want you to know that I’m doing the stretching routine you laid out for Sara and shared with me… that and ZoomZumba and walking are taking the place of my classes at the Y… Thanks for your kind and comforting thoughts.. Take care! Linda
Oh, I’m so glad Linda! I think we are becoming much more resourceful with all of this craziness! Take good care of yourself and stay healthy! Love, Antoinette